


Children discover the world around them when they play. They discover in nature what they will later learn to call science. Our books feed this joyous approach to life.



Under the Bandage
What’s happening under the bandage?
Mom makes him wear a bandage when he skins his knee. She says “no peeking.”  What’s going on under there?  It’s a war. His soldiers against the bad bacteria. After the bad bacteria are dead, it’s time to rebuild. Now, the construction crews come in.
It takes lots of work to grow new skin.
Dinosaur Friends
Two books in one.
Flip it over to read the second story
Spike and Conifer (two dinosaurs) face an erupting volcano and give it a present that stops the lava flow. 
Spike and Conifer must escape the burning forest, but Conifer has three eggs to carry and only two hands. How will she save all her babies?
Science based stories of friendship.
The Amanda Mini-Mysteries
SCIENCE FUN FOR CHILDREN! Follow along with Amanda as she uses science and imagination to solve mysteries with her friend Elaine. These aren’t your typical whodunits: Amanda is more interested in Why and How of things, and children will learn along with her. Jack Kershner’s joyous illustrations add humor and zest to these explorations and mysteries of daily life. Voted the most popular series in Child Life Magazine.
Raining Fish and Frogs

Nothing was biting on the shore of Lake Fish-or-Cut-Bait. Not even the mosquitoes!
Nothing was biting on the shore of Lake Fish-or-Cut-Bait. Not even the mosquitoes! A ravenous wind sucked up all the water from the lake. It sucked up the fishes and the frogs too. It even sucked up balls from the playground. Then that ravenous wind headed toward town, blowing wind through the branches, and twisting up the playground swings. When that wind could hold no more, rain started falling. It wasn’t an ordinary rain. Balls fell on the steeple and rang the bell. Fish and frogs fell on cars in the streets. A fish even fell into the janitor’s wash bucket.
It was as if breakfast was landing on people’s doorsteps.