


Children discover the world around them when they play. They discover in nature what they will later learn to call science. Our books feed this joyous approach to life.




Rabbit Puzzle

Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.


3. Rabbits have big hind_______ so they can run fast.  
4. Many rabbits sleep during the day and play at ________.  
5. Rabbits have four _____, and no hands.  
7. Rabbits twitch their ears to listen for __________  (animals that might eat them)
9. Rabbits are born ready to nurse ______ from their mothers, just like human babies.  
1. Rabbits have big _____ so they can sweat through them and cool off.  
2. Rabbits bodies are covered with _______ which we call fur.  
3. When a rabbit has many babies at the same time, the babies are called a ________.  
6. Rabbits eat by sliding their jaws side to side. Their ______ keep growing all their lives, so they don’t wear down from all that chewing.  
8. Rabbits have a very good sense of ______, which helps them find food in the dark.  

Discovery Channel - School

Created with Discovery Channel School’s PuzzleMaker.