


Children discover the world around them when they play. They discover in nature what they will later learn to call science. Our books feed this joyous approach to life.



Carrie's Flight

Carrie’s Grandma left four mysterious boxes in a closet marked: KEEP. Wandas, Fascinator, Dowse, and Feathers. These treasures help Carrie feel closer to Grandma as she learns the secret magic held in each item. And one of them just might make her FLY!

The Round Box

Carrie continues her magical adventure when her Grandma moves across town. The round Fascinator box holds the magic that turns Carrie’s bed into a boat where she encounters all sorts of characters who help Carrie feel even closer to Grandma.

Magic Wanda
In this third book of the Carrie and Grandma series, Carrie explores the box marked: WANDAS, where she learns that Wandas don’t DO magic; they ARE magic.
Treasure Hunt
The fourth and final installment of the Carrie and Grandma series shows Carrie exploring the box labeled: DOWSE. In this book, Carrie hunts for valuable items like gold, water, and even Grandma! The end is sweet and surprising and brings the series to completion.