


Children discover the world around them when they play. They discover in nature what they will later learn to call science. Our books feed this joyous approach to life.



Air seems like an unlikely thing to pour. It’s all around us. If you hold an empty glass, you know it isn’t really empty. It’s full of air. If you are going to pour something, you expect it to be heavier than the substance you pour it into.  That’s what happens when you pour water into the air-filled glass. Water is heavier than air. It can fall below the air, and push the air out of the glass.  So, if you were going to pour air, where would you pour it?  If you were in outerspace, where space is a vacuum, and you had a glass of air, you could pour that air, but you probably wouldn’t see anything.

Now, you are on Earth. For this experiment, you’ll need:

A glass full of air.  (I recommend a plastic glass for this experiment, so it won’t break if you drop it.)

A container full of water. (A bathtub, a sink, a bucket)

How to do the experiment:

Turn the glass full of air upside down.  It’s still full of air.
Keeping the glass straight upside down, plunge it into the container of water.
Now, tip the glass, just as if you were pouring.
What do you see?

You have just poured air.  Pouring can go up as well as down.

Please visit my website: http://www.LookUnderRocks.com

The picture at the top is from the video posted here:

The visuals in this video are excellent.

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